Friday 7 December 2012

Looking at VFX videos

As we have just been briefed on our VFX module I have started to look at some videos of visual Effect online. Im going to show a few that I have looked at and give a brief explanation to what I think.... 

The video below is from the famous Freddie Wong off Youtube, its called 'Epic VFX Time'. Freddie is amazing at making VFX videos, this one below is my favourite one of his just purely because of way its made and how things just fall out of the sky! 

Another one I watched was 'Plot Device' from Red Giant. This video is amazing and I hope by the end of this course I will be able to produce something along these lines!! With this video I like just how much attention to detail there is and how smooth and fluent it is! 

I will post more about videos as I watch them and if they interest me, I hope you've enjoyed these videos.

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