Sunday 27 April 2014

Graffiti Life Gallery

Today I am traveling down to London to visit the Graffiti Life gallery. I have organised to film some of the works in the gallery as well as shoot some interviews with the team and artists who are about on the day. 

Below are some of the interview questions I plan on asking the guys at the gallery...

  1. Who are you and what do you do?
  2. Can you give a brief explanation as to what services you provide?
  3. How did Graffiti Life begin?
  4. Can you give an insight in to you’re background in graffiti?
  5. What’s the biggest project to date you have worked on?
  6. Have you worked with any bog companies?
  7. Clearly you are apart of graffiti and its culture, so if you where to summarize graffiti in a few words what would they be?
  8. What ethics personally do you have toward graffiti?
  9. Does the company have its own ethics/rules towards graffiti?
  10. Has yourself or anyone in the company originated from an illegal graffiti background?
I am hoping that once questions begin to be asked, others will just kind of flow with it (if that makes sense) Im wanting it to be more like a conversation than a strict interview! 

I will post another blog about how the day went once I am on my way back.

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