Thursday 22 May 2014

Cross Colabaration

I offered to help Ben, my best friend, out with his PPP project so he was able to document his process in a video form. My part in helping and collaborating with ben was simply filming his process, asking him questions to answer so the viewer is able to understand the idea and other related information behind his final piece. I used my GoPro camera to get some POV (point of view) shots while Ben was creating and putting together his final piece, I decided to do this so the audience felt more involved in the creation of the final piece. I also edited together the videos and edited the audio together for the best outcome. Ben was present with myself while editing was underway so he was able to distinguish which clips he wanted in and taking out. Ben studies on the interdisciplinary art and design course at college. He passes this studio brief. 

Below is a screen shot of the editing process of the video:
Below is a shortened video of the video I made for ben to hand in for marking, this is just to give you an idea of what the video I originally made looked like:

I also offered to help ben out with is final major project by filming and editing him together another making video. Below is the finished product:

I really enjoyed making this video because I feel I have been able to explore my cinematographer side more and experiment with the different cameras I use, GoPro's and Cannon 5D's. I also used my Sony Handycam for some of the shots in this video. Overall I am very please with how the video turned out and even more pleased that Ben decided to ask me again to make another video for him.

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