Sunday 1 June 2014

Editing and Post

Editing and post-production both have gone well. Although editing has been rather tedious I finally got there in the end! The most frustrating thing about the whole editing and post process has been blurring faces, dubbing and adjusting the audio on some clips.

Below is a screen trap from when I was attempting to increase the audio of one clip but cancel out the mic hum:

As I am no sound editor this was a learning curve for me as I though just adjusting the levels on the clip would solve it but it only made things worse. So after looking around on YouTube I found a quick tutorial on how to properly use the EQ and De-Hummer effects in Premiere Pro.

The only other main issues I had while editing was my software crashing numerous times and to begin with, I wanted to just carry on my main documentary from the teaser I had created below:

But all the soundtracks and audio lining up had gone to pot so I had to start completely from fresh! Like I said this was an issue but I think the documentary has come out better the second time round anyway.

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