"Un Chien Andalou" (An Andalusian Dog) from
Qefcho on
We watched a film called
An Andalusian Dog, to put it nicely it was a bit of a strange film! It is a mute film but has a soundtrack in the background to add to the actions going on in the film. The message I got from the film was that it was all about death and the experiences that come with that. Even though it was very strange and bizarre I did some what enjoy it, mainly because it is such an old film so the history of how it was made and the content it involved interested me greatly!
There is one main scene in the film that is rather disturbing and it is close tot he start of the film, the main character male in the film is looking up at the moon and then the next thing you know he is cutting open an eye ball with a razor! It is rather disturbing and I'm not sure how it managed to get in to a film in that era. This film did because as a big shock to society n the year it was released as the public had never seen anything like it, it made a huge impact on what was to come in theatres and it defiantly made an impact in history otherwise I wouldn't be writing an analysis on it now!
This isn't something I would ever consider making but I could maybe use it as inspiration for a short film that I am planning on making in the future.
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