Wednesday 22 May 2013

Business Cards & Website

Over the past year I have been trying to get my own business/name known out in the film industry, so far it is only locally that it is know through me doing a few commissioned videos for local companies and friends but to try help me network more we where told to think about designing some business cards for ourselves. So I got straight on to designing the one below with the help of Tom on my course and this is what we came up with! It's simple and to the point and I think it's a very modern looking business card. 

I had designed some business cards last year in first year, I thing I naught around 1000 or something, it was a lot but as you can see below they really aren't that good, there not clear enough and too dark. Plus 'Phil Jones Production' sounds really stupid as I am not a professional organisation yet!

The only thing with both business cards I'm not so sure about is what profession to put down, on my latest one I put down 'Filmer & Editor' but on my first one I put 'videographer' it's hard to work out what profession I'm in as I do both filming and editing. 

Having business cards to hand is a great help, I always keep some in the silver case in my bag just I case I ever bump into someone that it could be useful for them to have it! Alongside having my own business cards I managed to get my own website made through a friend of mine from back when I was at high school who works for 'Carbonyzed' web company, so that is another connection I have made which has been helpful in getting myself known out there. Below there is a screen shot below so you can get a basic look of what it looks like and I will also leave a link to it too. http//

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