Wednesday 22 May 2013


Over this year at uni my personal professional practice has been good, I have learnt so much more about networking and how to get myself started in industry. One of my main accomplishments this year has been actually getting some commissioned work from a small scooter company who I got in contact with while I was working at The Works Skatepark. I am no longer working there but the connections I have made there have and will help me in the long run. Another achievement I'm proud of is managing to get my own business cards and website set up on online. Iv wanted me own websites for awhile now but I haven't had the change and even better it was my old friend from school who has helped me set it up and it cost be next to nothing which has helped a lot as my finances this year haven't bed the beat! 

Leading on to money, as I said my finances haven't been that great this year again. I have been trying my hardest to balance work and university but it has been a big struggle, in the end I made the decision to give up for the skatepark and focus on my uni work, to be honest to start with I thought I was the best decision  I'd made in a long time, but then my nan suddenly passed away and everything started to go downhill from there! I wasn't in the mood to beat uni, I was fretting because I didn't have any money and all I wanted to do was move back home, so I did and finally started getting myself back on track! 

I'm still finding it difficult with money but I have got my old summer job back working for the marquee company I did a few years back but now I have the problem of not working too much over summer and making sure i give myself time to prepare myself for the third year and still accomplish some s all projects I have set myself over summer. 

Overall though this year has been very up a down but I think I am finally starting to get myself back on track with uni work and just general living. My main goals for next year are again, time management as I still haven't got to grips with that yet and money management. To conclude a very up and down year but I know and understand where I need to improve, I just hope next year doesn't have any crazy surprises! 

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