Tuesday 21 May 2013


This module and brief is all based around transmedia so for our responses we had to think about how it would or could be used in a different medium. Transmedia also know as transmedia storytelling is a way of telling stories across multiple platforms. In other words it is creating content that engages audiences using various techniques so it is involves throughout there lives.

I have created a downhill documentary video so for it to be transmedia it could be made into a first person POV downhill video game well that was my initial idea for it to fit into the transmedia aspect but after some extra thinking iv thought it could be used in a biking magazine as a feature article or used to promote the bike company that Edd uses Norco. In the video I have used GoPro cameras so at the end of the video I used their logo because I hoped that if they saw it online they would post it onto their website for a bit of extra promotion.

The thing that made me firstly think about having my video made into a POV downhill game was after playing a few first person games myself like Skate and Call of Duty. Also concentrating more on Skate, I like how you have an in-game video editor so you can record a line of tricks in the game then you can go in and edit it like you would if you where making your own video, so when I was filming and editing I was thinking about what kind of varied shots you would be able to play with in the game. Another interesting camera angle that I tried to use was a out of body shot like in GTA where if you can change the camera angle from behind you to as if you where being watch from helicopters in the air of pedestrians on the street. To represent this, in my video there is a shot where I am panning out on Edd riding down a cliff edge then it cuts to being back in POV of him riding down the same cliff.

Over all I like the idea of transmedia and if I get the change I would possibly like to collaborate with some people to create a downhill POV game, I think it would be a good experience and could be a pretty good game also. I am defiantly going to try and push my video into getting on more bike website of on an online bike news article. Hopefully getting Edd sponsored and getting myself well more known out there as PhilJonesVideo.

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