Monday 20 May 2013

Feedback From Finished Video

Livrids: Live To Ride | Edd McIntosh

After finished my video I decided to upload it to YouTube, Vimeo & mainly becuase I wanted to get some feedback on the video from people but also because there is a competition on called Avid's Chasing Trail which came up while editing the video. Edd was the one that showed me the competition and after reading its guidelines etc. it was strange because everything we had just shot for this video matched what they where asking for in the competitions so we just thought why not, its a good way to get both myself and Edd known out there in the action sports industry while possibly winning some awesome prizes! 

After the video being online for just 24hours it has already got combined around 200 views, now almost a week since it was uploaded its has had combined around 720 views which I am really proud of. I still need to share it around a lot more on a lot of different website and get it emailed out to some different bike companies to get the views higher and to get more noticed. 

Even though I have got really fed up of the video because I have watched it about 200 times while editing, the feedback I have got from people has been really good. The only thing people have said kind of negative about it is that the interview at the start is a bit too long and looses peoples attention. After speaking to my tutor we discussed that next time I should inter-cut the interview footage with the video. 

Overall though I am pleased with the video and the feedback I have received so now it is just a matter of seeing how well we do in the competition. Fingers crossed! 

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