Sunday 20 October 2013

Summer Break 2013

I had a really good summer overall, I didn't get any commissioned work during it but I still had fun making some short films with my GoPro, re-designing my Phil Jones Video logo, getting in to cycling and learning some new software. It was nice to have a good break after the stressful year I had last year. 

Logo update

Over the summer I decided ti was time to maybe start looking at designing a new logo. I took the inspiration for the new design(s) that you can see below, from my existing Phil Jones Video logo and from Thomas Bone's new logo that a graphic student from university designed for him. I decided to try adding some colour to it too instead of it just being plain black and white. I added blue and red because currently they are my favourite colours. 

Iv decided to use the last logo from the three below as a new second logo. This is also going to be used as a watermark for any videos I make in the future. Please feel free to leave any feedback about these logos. I am thinking about getting in touch with a graphic student from university to see if they would be interested in designing me a new logo and business cards because I know it would be good for both of us in one way or another.

GoPro Videos

Over the summer I spent a lot of my time with my girlfriend  her family and my friend Ben , having my GoPro and the weather being so good I decided to make some short little videos which you can see below:

I enjoyed making these videos because it was a chance to get used to my GoPro and its settings a lot more. 

Filming some videos videos with my GoPro gave me the chance to start to learn some new software, Adobe Premiere Pro. Iv decided over the summer to start to learn this software because University now have completely scrapped Final Cut Pro from the systems and are now using Premiere Pro. Initially I found the software very confusing but once I had watched some basic tutorials online on how to use it I picked it up quite easy. The only thing with it now that Im finding hard is the shortcuts because I'm so used to using the shortcuts from Final Cut Pro X. Im sure with time though it will get easier. 

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