Tuesday 22 October 2013

Broadcast show

Info about Philip Bloom: 
- he worked for  17 years for sky news then quite to go freelance, it taught him a lot but he would never go back 
- he has been in the film industry for 20 years 
- he has been freelance for the last 6 years
- he had 12 years of using rather basic equipment - made him so creative! 
- when he worked for sky it is where he first learnt multi skilling
- he also learnt how to work fast, multiple disaplines, deal with people, know how to tell stories
- 17 years he shot with one Format 
- now he shoots mostly 4K 
- He shoot in HD for clients 
- when he has shot in 4K it mainly went on to the internet which down grades the format 

Seminar 001 - Philip Bloom

4K & Raw - is it worth the hype?

- Is 4K/ultra - the new standard? - yes it's inevitable 
- 4K TV's are extremely expensive! 
- affordable 4K tv around £5000
- 4K is a big investment for large tv companies 
- 4K is 4x better than HD
- 3D never was truley popular in home use, 4K will be the new standard whether is looks 4x better or not
- why does he shoot In 4K rather then HD? - because it looks better but he never uses it for jobs 
- reframing - zooming in with 5D should never do. using a 1Dc feel free to to zoom in to 800% or even 1600%
- when he does interview he shoots in 4K, he uses two camera so he can reframe the shots if needed
- 4K and reframing is not an excuse for lazy cinematography 
- 7.1 miles is the distance of the horizon in flat land. 
- Future Proofing? - being able to re use it 

4K cameras:
- Canon 1DC
- Canon C500
- Sony f5/f55
- Sony FDR
- Red Epic/Scarlet 
- Sony FS700 with V3 firmware 
- Blackmagiv 4K production Camera 
- Samsung Galaxy Note 3 shoots 4K 

- 4x more data = 4x more data - this is a problem an expensive camera 
- 4K shoots great stills 

His most popular video he has made this year he shot with an iPhone 5s at 120fps!!!

- shooting in RAW is good because you have more control of the exposure in the shots
- RAW = more data though 


Seminar 002 - Philip Bloom 

Story telling, motivation, finding work and the joy of filming 

- do you have to use video to tell a story? = no but you wouldn't sit and watch beautiful stills for 90 mins 
- storytelling keeps us intrested 
- he has been telling sotires for 25 years 
- almost all the work you do is effectively storytelling
- do you take every job your offered? = no 
- how do you know what your doing is a good story? = Because you like it
Finding a speciality: 
- in this day an age you just end up doing anything really

Improving by your visual storytelling:
- gear can improve your visual storytelling but I doesn't have to
- the camera doesn't have to be moving to tell a good story 
- lighting helps storytelling 
- sound really helps the visual storytelling 
(Sometimes create your own sounds instead of downloading)
- the quality can help but it's not going to make you better
- having the right camera is very important 
- inspiration - you get it from everywhere 

Making sure you don't fall out of love:
- enjoy the work you do and work with what you've got
- swop the types of work you are doing
- try diffrent things 
- enjoy what what you do, if you don't simply don't do it! Creative satisfaction in everything you do is essential

The importance of 100%:
- push yourself no matter what you do! 

How to succeed overnight?:
- be ambitious
- it never happens over night it takes a lot of hard work! 
- talent - but it isn't everything
- gift of the god and selling yourself
- confident
- harnessing the talent, improve your ability, learn from mistakes
- push yourself and take chances
You may find yourself having to compete and not doing what you originally set out to do! 

Promoting yourself: 
- showreel - powerful short snappy (3 mins max) - best stuff at the start
- get experience anyway you can 
- the internet 
- vimeo/YouTube 
- social media 

Images of the company stands around the event:

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