Thursday 20 March 2014

Email Template

Today I have emailed the street cleaning part of Leeds City Council, below id the email I sent to them. I plan to use this email again for other companies and people I plan to email about interviews for my documentary.

The people I have in mind are:
- council
- mayor of leeds
- tutors and students from university
- general puplic

"Hi, I am a student at Leeds College of Art studying in my last year. I am currently undergoing my final major project and for this I am creating a 15 minute documentary about the graffiti culture in Leeds.

I am contacting you to see if it would be possible to interview someone from "____________". I would just be asking questions about experiences and opinions on graffiti.

If you could please get back in touch with me at the email address provided concerning this even if it is a no, I would really appreciate it!


Phil Jones"

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