Wednesday 12 March 2014

Graffiti Using A GoPro

I really enjoy using GoPro cameras, after university I think I would like to use GoPros as a profession. Because of this I feel like it would be silly for myself not to use GoPros in my final major project. After giving it a bit of thought I believe I could get some really great shots and angles using them. I also think that using GoPros for the majority of the action shots (spray painting) in the documentary would defiantly add something different to this documentary.

I would be able to use various different types of attachments for the GoPro such as:

Chest Mount

Roll Bar Mount

With these three different attachments I could get some really good shots. The most interesting one would be using the roll bar mount and attaching it to the spray can would be a really good and interesting angle. The head and chest mount would provide a POV (point of view) angle.

The links below are to two YouTube channels I have found which contain videos of people writing graffiti while using GoPros.

Channel 1: GoPro Mais
Channel 2: BibarGraff

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