Wednesday 21 May 2014

Being part of the crew!

During the past few weeks I have helped on some of my peers extended practice modules. I have helped Tom, Lija and Luca's group and Chris in their production of their extended practice videos.

In Tom, Lija and Luca's project for two days I acted as their sound man, I was in charge of controlling the boom mic and sound recorder, making sure I captured sound of the footsteps of their character and other key sounds.

Below are some images from the days I spent with them:

I also helped Chris with his short film.
When I was helping Chris with his production, I thought I was going to be acting as sound man again but intact I ended up being his camera man which I highly enjoyed! Tom Stevens was also camera man and got a few shots with his 50mm lens but the majority of the shots where shot by myself. I was very pleased with the outcome of the footage I had captured. I will be filming with Chris agin soon so I will definitely get some pictures to add to this post. I didn't get pictures on the first day of helping him because it was raining so we tried to get through filming as quick as possible but I have got some images of the shooting days from Chris which are shown below:

On the second day of shooting I was doing more sound based stuff for Chris as well as setting up equipment such as the crane and lights. Images of the second day of shooting are shown below:

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