Tuesday 20 May 2014

Promoting & Representing Myself!

As part of this module we where asked to start thinking about getting business cards and a website but together to represent and promote ourselves in the industry.

I had previously had business cards before and I also have a friend who has sorted me out a website with the domain .com and .co.uk for a very cheap price. Here is a link to my website and a screen shot of it so you can see what it looks like:

As I have re-branded myself a few times over my three years of being at university, I have finally designed a logo that I am happy with so I decided to get my business re-printed. While I was going through the payment process of vista prints website I was offered some great cheap deals on other products they do with my logo on, you can see everything I got in the image below:
I have also recently had a call from BT because when I purchased my products from vista print, I received a free 20% off advertising in the BT phone book voucher. After speaking with the sales man called Scott on the phone, he offered me a further 20% off the advertising. The full cost for the year of what he offered me was £600 which would get me coverage in the BT phone book, on the BT online phonebook, the BT app and direct enquires. This would get me coverage for over 250,000 people minimum. 

Unfortunately due to my funds at the present time I was not able to purchase this amazing offer but Scott said that he will call me back in early july to see if circumstances have changed and to see if I am still interested. Fingers crossed!  

I have also pieced together a CV for applying to jobs you can see this below: 

I have also re-edited my showreel so it shows more of the skills I have to offer rather than just videos I have made in the past, I decided to do this after showing my original showreel to my tutor and getting his feedback as to what to take out and replace. You can see the new video below: 

Phil Jones Video | Showreel from Phil Jones on Vimeo.

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