Tuesday 20 May 2014

Entering a competition

After filming my Livrids: Live To Ride video for my final piece last year (2nd year) I entered it in to a competition on the PinkBike.com called Avid's Chasing Trail. There where thousands of entries and unfortunately I didn't win but I did get a little feed back from someone which you can see here: 

I should really have re-edited the video to fit the criteria of the competition, I may have had more of a chance of winning but as this competition came up n pink bike during the editing process of my video I didn't have time to re-edit it before the deadline of the competition  Overall though the video got over 1000 views on pink bike, plus an extra 400 with YouTube and Vimeo combined!

This image below was the first place prize:
Here this the video that I entered in to the competion: 

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