Thursday 6 December 2012

FInal Cinematic Pros & Cons..

                     Gloria Kendrick - Game Art & Machinima Project from Phil Jones on Vimeo.

This is a video of our final Cinematic I am really proud of it. I do have a few pros and cons about it though which have come apparent after watching it over and over and getting feedback from other people. The main pro from the video is how well the sound tracks we used in it which where downloaded from '' went with the animation really well! Im also really please with how the colours from the screen recording haven't changed much. I have a few cons about the video such as after a group review of our videos today and people saying the text in the video doesn't match the film noir theme which never even crossed my mind its just a bit frustrating! But its an easy fix and for the exhibition I will have a much more film nor style font. Iv looked for a film noir font on but had no luck so iv just found the closest one I could to a film noir font style. Another con would be not really to do with the final video but to do with the environment in the video, Iv noticed when if cuts to in the studio scene that there is no light shown coming from the lights on the roof, to correct this all ill have to do is draw the halo on each light so its a quick fix if I want to correct it for the exhibition. 

Overall I am really happy with the outcome of the whole cinematic! I hope you guys enjoy.

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