Thursday 6 December 2012

Grand Theft Auto Over The Years...

Recently I have been playing GTA: San Andreas on my Mac mainly because I miss playing this game and because I recall it having good in game cut scenes! One of them in particular I like is at the start of the game where you are just getting taught the controls and things you have to do to keep your character in the game 'CJ' alive. 
One of the ways of keeping him alive is by feeding him, one of the cut scenes is that your in this burger place ordering food to eat to keep your health level high and the other character in the game thats showing you where to go, he comes in and puts a gun to the guy on the counter asking for the money in the till... 

This scene caught my eye the most while playing because it is basically what we have to do for this brief, its a one minute machinima with exchange between two characters. Looking at this scene and in fact the whole game in general, the graphic quality, textures, lighting and stuff is actually very similar to the game levels we have made before and are currently making! Obviously the style is different but that depends on the designer and stuff!

While talking about the graphics in San Andreas and how they are similar to the kind of work we are doign at the minute, its got me looking all the Grand Theft Auto games from say one and how much the graphics and game play have changed!! Below are two images of the the first ever Grand Theft Auto made and the latest one which is yet to be released: Grand Theft Auto Five. 

I remember playing the first Grand Theft Auto even though I was very young but I do remember it, I loved it! They did a fantastic job in making it look like a 3D environment even though it was from a birds eye perspective. 

If you look at how much things have changed from Grand Theft Auto 1 to now with the soon to be realised Grand Theft Auto Five they differences are astonishing!! Grand Theft Auto Four was a big change from San Andreas but the new one looks even better and I can not wait to play it! It look so realistic and the map is so big! 

I have watched a video recently on Youtube thats shows the changes in the games of Grand Theft Auto so take a look to get a real idea of how much things have changed in the game industry!! 

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