Thursday 6 December 2012

Editing & Sound

Once I had all the camera in the right places for the scene and animated in the right was so they move to the positions they needed to be in by the end of that scene, I took a screen recording of the cinematic from unity and started to edit it all together with titles and credits and sound.

So far we only had the sound and quick dialogue from the animatic we made. We decided we wanted to re- record the dialogue to make it fit what we had now even better so we all went down to the big sound room and started to re-do the dialogue of the cinematic while also at the same time watching it over and over so we could get the timing perfect. Once we had recorded the voices, we thought it would be even better for the scene if we recorded the footsteps and shuffles out characters do in the scenes.

To create the footsteps in the scenes we knew we needed it to sound like she was walking on card/wood and not concrete like a normal foot path. Luckily on the day of recording the new sounds Siobhan was wearing heeled boots and Lija was wearing boots so we knew the sounds would work we just had to find something wooden for them to walk on. Down in the sound booths there are ramps for the doors to help people get in and out without tripping, these are made of wood so we decided to slide them together to make a flat surface and use that to help crete the wooden floor sound we where looking for. It worked!! We got great sounds from them and as well as recording the sounds of footsteps on them we decided to record the shuffling Gloria does in the scene too, that also worked great so we where really pleased with the sound outcomes we got. 

The editing software I was using was Final Cut Pro X not the Final Cut we have a uni. mainly because I have it on my laptop so it was easier to edit while at home but also because I have the newer Final Cut on my laptop I use that a lot more for making videos out side of Uni which led me to semi forget how to use the older version quickly and properly. While editing the screen recording together I noticed that when Unity played the animatic it had rather big jump cuts to the next scene, so what happened was is that when one scene had finished the animation would pause then the next one would start but still have a little pause to it. To get past this I just cut out the frames where the pausing and cutting happened to give it a bit more of a smooth cut. It seemed to have worked well. 

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