Thursday 6 December 2012

Fun in Unity!

My main role in this project was to create the environment and import the lighting and other effects in unity. Once I had created the set/city in Maya, I gave it to Siobhan to use it as a reference for the length of animation. While she was doing that I decided to start playing in unity with skyboxes and cameras. The images below show a camera angle I was interested in working on in one of the actual unity scenes. I also put in a day time sky box just to get an idea of what it will look like with a skybox in the scene. 

Once Siobhan had finished the first few scenes for the animation, I asked for the city back so I could save it as an FBX file format in Maya so I could import it into Unity and actually start making the scene come to life. The images below show what the lighting looks like int he scene. We wanted a very film noir look to the scene so instead of making the light white I tried to make them a little more orange/yellow. I also added a torch cookie to the light so they had a bit more of a lamp kind of look to them and then I also added an area light in the middle of both lights to show off the glow of the light a little bit more! I think it works well and I couldn't wait until we had the textures on the building, roads and paths to see what it actually looked like all together. Having Gloria in the scene while I was doing the lights helped too though, one because it helped with the colour of the lights and how it would effect her colours and two because it helped to work out the intensity of the lights.

The image below is on the set/city with its full textures, effects, lighting and sky box. I think it looks really good and looks really film noir. The textures for the building roads and paths where done my Lija so click here to see them. With the lighting I hadn't really change it as it worked well with Gloria before the textures got put in but once they where put I think it looks even better! Lija did a really good job with the textures on the buildings and the lights, especially with the lights because the colour of the lamp matched the lights so well. She also made some little extra details for the environment like newspapers and floor grates which really add to the environment, you can see them by clicking the 'click here' early in this post.

Below is the environment in which you can actually walk about in and get a real feel for it! 


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