Wednesday 15 May 2013


Once I had all my footage in my hard drive and off he cameras I could finally start editing all the footage together. Before editing we had a small group crit at uni where I was told to try out using Adobe's Premier Pro editing software and Final Cut Pro X isn't what it used to be and we have been told we are converting to Premier Pro next year on the systems at uni. So once I got home that night I started trying to use Premier Pro but because I am so used to using Final Cut Pro X I found it really difficult to adjust so I decided just to stick with Final Cut. I made this decision mainly because I didn't want to be spending ages trying to get used to the new software, learning the shortcuts and its interface. Plus I didn't have much time for editing and I knew I could produce what I wanted in the time I had simpler and easier in Final Cut because I am so used to using it.

Overall editing went really well, my RAW footage wasn't the best though so I was preparing my self while editing and putting the structure of the video together for some major colour correction! The main thing iv tried new in this editing is the 'Twitch' plugin for After Effects, you can only see it happen once in the video at the start because I couldn't really think where else I could use it but once I saw a friend of mine use it in some of his skateboard videos online I was very eager to use it in one of my video so It thought this would be a prime opportunity. The Twitch effect basically jolts, blurs and flashed your footage so you can create cool transitions and cute between shots. Iv used this plugin right at the start fo my video after the title sequence of the video, I like this plugin but like I said before I wish I had used it more throughout the video.

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