Tuesday 7 May 2013

Shoot Days

Action shoots: 
When it came to actually shooting my video I was already about a quarter of the way there because months ago before filming I had already been out with Edd filming for another video we where planning on making but never got finished, so that was a huge bonus! the only problem with this footage was that it was shot on my old Handy-cam which is still full HD 1080p but it still didn't look as crisp and nice as the footage I had shot with the 5D or XDcam. 

Below are some images of different locations we where at while shooting, I wish I had taken more pictures of different location but my attention was totally on what was happening in the shots that I forgot about taking pictures. 

- Up on the cliffs in Saltaire

With filming stuff like this I knew before hand that it was going to consist of early mornings and long days out shooting so I always made sure the night before that all my batteries where on charge and ready to go for shoot day! I think in total we went around about 5 times in 2 weeks to get all the footage I wanted to achieve. Also I had the footage from months ago so including that it was about 7 or 8 times which isn't too bad I don't think! 

The main issue I had while out filming was the sky! For some reason I actually found it really difficult to get the exposure half decent while shooting on some overcast days. Im not sure why this was but in the end I ended up resorting to setting the XDcam to auto so it could assist me in getting the lighting correct by using ND filters. This was the first time I had ever used ND filters on the XDcam so it was a learning curve fr myself but one im glad i stubbled up on. Even though some of the sjy in the shots where very over exposed with the sky im still please with the footage that came out. Even the GoPros stuggled with the lighting on the overcast days (as you  can see from the image above).


The images above are from when I shot the interview section of the video. Above are the images from the first shoot of the interview as I had to re-shoot it due to sound quality issues. The second time round though the sound was a lot better as I used the 'Radio Mic' instead of just the directional mic fitted onto the camera. Also the second time round I actually filmed it with the 5D mark 3 which made a huge difference in the quality of the image. 

It was a pain having to re-shoot the interview again as I was starting to stress out about when to do it but I'm glad I did because the first shoot was mainly just a chat instead of set questions and answers, where as the second time I has this script (shown below) to had and because Edd had answered similar questions to before his answers where a lot more to the point. 


  1. Whats your name, age and where are you from?
  2. How long have you being riding bikes for?
  3. What got you interested in biking? 
  4. What spec of bike are you riding now? and what where they in the past? 
  5. Can you try explain the feeling you get while riding your bike? 
  6. I notice you adapt you surrounds to help you make a run possible, why do you do this? and have you ever had any problems with the public?
  7. Could you explain the zone you enter when your about to do a jump or a run?
  8. Who is your biggest inspiration? 
  9. Where do you expect to be in 5 years time? 
  10. Do you have any advice for new riders in any of the areas you've done before?
Over all the shoot days went to plan, one of the things I think really helped was keeping an eye on the weather. The only thing was that part was the the last week of filming we where very restricted on where we could go ride and shoot because Edd's van went into the garage for repair so we had to ride to location. Even so I am pleased with the footage I have got and I hope it all looks good in my finished video. 

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