Sunday 5 May 2013

Intro Title & Fonts

While shooting some footage one weekend I realised I hadn't even thought about what to do for my title sequence! I knew that I wanted to have some sort of 3D text in the scene but I has no idea how. I looked back at my storyboard and liked the quick sketch I did of the title embedded into the scene on the rocks so I decided thats what I wanted to create. 

While filming I asked Edd to go and stand of the edge of the cliff he had just ridden down so I could get a could of shots of him and the rocks beneath him for the title sequence. The image below shows one of the shots I got. I actually didn't stick with this shot but it was my starting point for creating what I have no.

Now that I had some shots for my title sequence at the start of the video I really had to start thinking about what type of font I wanted to go for as this would have a huge impact of the way the film came across while the audience if watching it! Below are a few different fonts I looked at on 

After looking at a ton more fonts I decided I wanted something that looked 'rocky' so I typed this in on DaFont and this font above 'Rock's Death' came up! It was perfect so I downloaded it and got to work...

To create my title sequence I really wanted to use Cinema 4D again as I used it one of my previous projects. I started to create something I was looking for but I just began to become a lot more difficult and I was running out of time. Plus as I was working from my laptop the software kept of crashing so I decided to scrap the Cinema 4D idea and go into Uni and use the computers there to create my title sequence in After Effects.  

I wanted a 3D looking text so I followed this tutorial on Youtube.... 

Just so I could get the general idea of how to create 3D text in After Effects. Once I had figured out the basics and had placed the 3D text in the right place on the video footage I wanted to use, I rendered out ONLY the text as a TIFF sequence so it was easier to edit with and so my After Effects wasnt running crazy slow. Below is a screen shot the TIFF sequence of the text...

When creating the 3D text in After Effects I decided to use one of the different bits of the footage I shot for the intro title sequence instead of the one shown previously with Edd in frame. This was purely because I thought the text looked better just on its own and it showed the setting for the video and what it was to include. Aslo I figured that with there being an interview interlaced with video you would already have an introduction to Edd anyway. 

The main issue with the footage I had shot for the title sequence was that it was very over exposed and very overcast! I wanted to create a sky replacement with this image below...

but I has no idea how to do this, I tried it myself by using KeyLight in after effects but it wouldn't pick up the white colour of the sky so then I tried it by just masking. Neither of these methods worked very well so I turned to the courses Facebook page for help and asked if any of my peers could help. Luca got back in touch with me with this tutorial he used to use...Advanced Sky Replacement Tutorial by Video Copilot, this tutorial helped me so much! The results from following this tutorial are shown in this image below... 

I realised once looking at the title sequence intro that the text blended in too much with the scenery so I had to make a colour change to the text, for this I spoke to Livrid (the sponsor for my video) to see which colour they thought would be best. We decided to go for a lime green colour ad this was the outcome....

You may notice at the end of the footage that the image jerks this is a plugin for After Effects called 'Twitch'. I found out about this plugin from a friend of mine who has used it in his skateboard videos he uploads onto YouTube and I just thought it would look good and I think it does so i'm pleased with it. 

I am proud with the outcome of my intro title sequence and i'm glad that I changed the colour of the text to make it pop more but yet still look like its in the scene. 

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