Friday 3 May 2013

Video Titles?

I realised part way into shooting that I hadn't even thought about what I was going to call the video. So on the way back from the shoot today myself, Edd and my brother Sam (the owner of Livrid) started to brain storm different names I could possibly use. These are just some of the half decent titles we came up with! 

- Earth
- Dirt
- Livrids: Live To Ride
- Livrids: Edd McIntosh
- Cogs & Chains
- Downhill Documentary | Featuring Edd McIntosh
- Edd Mac & Livird

After keeping this post in my drafts while I tried to think about some more possible names, I couldn't help but keep looking at 'Livrids: Live To Ride' title, I felt like there was something missing from it though so I decided to add 'Featuring Edd McIntosh' to the end of it and from then on in I have happy with it so it stuck, that was the title I am going to use for my video/ 'Livrids: Live To Ride | Featuring Edd McIntosh'.

I like this title because it is straight to the point of what the video includes so viewers wont get misled by it. Now I just need to create the title sequence! 

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