Wednesday 1 May 2013


Here are my storyboards for the edit I am wanting to make, they are very rough because from experience of filming action sports videos before, I know that some shots aren't possible on the day and also I often get shots I haven't thought of while drawing up a storyboard which come out great....

 This storyboard below is for not a storyboard per say but will just help me to decide what kind of interview location and look I want to go for, I will also discuss these with Edd to see which he would be best. 

These storyboards are very rough but I know in my mind what each one is and what shot I am looking for, I have made them so quick and rough so I can just get out and film but also so the shots that I have in my head I don't get confused and muddled up about plus I'm not a very good drawer so I didn't want to spend ages making them look better!

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