Sunday 17 November 2013

My Practical

For my practical work in my extended piece of writing I have created a YouTube channel called 'Phil Extended'

The content that I posting on this channel currently is short video diaries explaining how my week has gone whilst writing my essay. I decided that posting video diaries would be could content because Im sure thee are a lot of students either at university or even just at college that are struggling to write their extended piece of writing/dissertation or even just a regular essay.

I am hoping also that from myself posting this kind of content up on YouTube that people/viewers will start to communicate with myself and/or others to help each other with how to get through this stage in their education. Already I have spoken to one girl who had just finished writing a paper and I was kind of a relief to realise that I am not the only one going through the feeling that I am going through. I also feel that it is a good reflection method to use as I can look back at the end of tis module and talk about how I have progressed over the months of writing. 

I am hoping that this YouTube channel will continue to help me while writing my essay and by the deadline in January I am looking forward to seeing how much of an audience I have gained. In gaining an audience I do share my videos on my Facebook page when I post new videos but I have recently being in contact with the Student Union at university and asked them if they can share it on their Facebook and Twitter accounts so that hopefully students across the college will see my videos, subscribe to my channel and follow me through my journey of writing my dissertation. I think I am also going to create some posters to post around the college on noticeboards just as another way of advertising it and to try attract other peoples attention to the channel.

Everyone that I have mentioned the YouTube channel to has said that it is a really good idea so fingers crossed it all goes to plan and really does help me in my writing of my essay. 

Below are my first two video diaries I have created: 

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